fashion industry Design, Fashion Shows, Marketing, & Facts
Mar 15 2022 Business Strategy design facts fashion industry marketing showsFashion industry, multibillion-dollar global enterprise devoted to the business of making and selling clothes. Some observers distinguish between the fashion industry (which makes “high fashion”) and the apparel industry (which makes ordinary clothes or “mass fashion”), but by the 1970s the boundaries between them had blurred. Fashion is best defined simply as the style or styles of clothing and accessories worn at any given time by groups of people. There may appear to be differences between the expensive designer fashions shown on the runways of Paris or New York and the mass-produced sportswear and street styles sold in malls and markets around the world.
- Some feminists have argued that by participating in feminine fashions women are contributing to maintaining the gender differences which are part of women’s oppression.
- Changes in clothing often took place at times of economic or social change, as occurred in ancient Rome and the medieval Caliphate,